Why Annual Boiler Maintenance Is Crucial

January 9, 2025

The HVAC and plumbing industries recommend scheduling annual boiler maintenance for your Brunswick, ME residence. The ideal time to schedule this service is in the fall before you need to rely on your heating system consistently. Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t schedule service for their boilers until there’s a problem. This approach can lead to much more substantial expenses in the long run. Carbon Monoxide Risk Many homes in colder climates heat their homes with boilers that burn fuel. Natural gas, liquid propane, and heating oil are all common options. Fuel-fired boilers are very cost effective over

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Should I Repair or Replace My Boiler?

December 13, 2023

If your boiler is malfunctioning, you may wonder whether you should repair or replace it. This handy guide will help you decide which choice is best for your circumstances. Consider Safety First Let safety be the primary decision when deciding whether to replace your boiler. An old boiler may not meet modern safety standards. Plus, an older system may put you at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning along with other problems. A professional HVAC technician will be able to advise you about whether your boiler will continue to be safe to use once it is repaired.

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Is My Furnace Failing? 8 Reasons to Say Yes

November 14, 2023

Some furnace failures occur due to age or wear and tear, and others show up in newer models due to a lack of preventative maintenance. You can never plan for a failing furnace. However, you can prepare for it by learning the warning signs. 1. Little to No Heat An obvious sign of a furnace failure is not feeling any heat emitting from your vents. Reduced heat is another sign that your furnace is on the verge of failing. 2. Thermostat Alarms and Warnings In some cases, your thermostat will

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Clean Your Heating Unit Before These Four Warning Signs Show Up

October 17, 2023

The heating system operates at its best when it’s clean. As it continues to run, it will collect unwanted particles in the air. It’s essential to clean your system often to keep it running at maximum performance. If you don’t clean your heating system, here’s what will happen. 1. Uneven Heating The pollutants trapped inside the heating unit will decrease airflow. The particles reduce the heat, taking longer to distribute throughout the room. Sometimes, the room is not warm enough because the unit shuts off early. Both situations contribute to uneven heating, and it slows down

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4 Tips on the Best Way to Purify Air

January 19, 2023

Keeping indoor air clean isn’t always easy. The air in your home can become polluted, especially when your house is sealed up tight during winter. Finding ways to purify indoor air can help you avoid health issues and create a much cleaner environment for you and your family. 1. Open Windows One of the easiest ways to provide your home with fresh air is to open a few windows. Opening windows during winter in Maine can seem ridiculous because you are trying to keep your house warm. However, letting some fresh air in for

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How Often Should You Schedule Condensate Drain Maintenance?

October 19, 2022

As a furnace ages, it becomes less efficient and more expensive to operate. Its condensate line is one of the most critical components in maintaining proper function and efficiency. This article explains the importance of a furnace’s condensate line and how often it should be checked and cleared for optimal performance. What Is a Furnace Condensate Line and What Does It Do? A condensate line is a small pipe that runs from your furnace to a drain. The purpose of the condensate line is to remove water collected in the furnace during normal operation. Over time,

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How Do I Choose the Right Furnace Filters?

February 15, 2022

Deciding on the right furnace filters for your family needn’t be difficult. Rather than dealing with confusing features and materials, you can determine the best choice by consulting your manufacturer’s manual or by asking a professional. Purchasing the right filter doesn’t have to be unnecessarily complicated or expensive. Disposable or Reusable Determine whether disposables or reusable filters better suit your household’s needs. Disposable filters are more easily accessible and less expensive. Purchase them based on size and MERV rating. They need to be changed frequently, and how often depends on your domestic circumstances. Reusable filters can

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Simple Ways to Reset a Heat Pump or Furnace

January 12, 2022

If you live in Freeport, Maine, or a surrounding area and have a heat pump or furnace, at some point they will encounter a problem and may require a reset. While there are a wide variety of heat pumps and furnaces, the reset procedure is usually similar. Both heat pumps and furnaces are designed to heat your home, but they do this in very different ways. A heat pump takes heat from the outside air to produce heat while a gas furnace produces heat by burning propane or gas. An electric furnace blows air over heated elements.

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Why Is My Furnace Rusting?

December 20, 2021

Unfortunately, rust formation in or on the surface of your electric or gas furnace isn’t uncommon. It seems virtually all furnaces will eventually develop some rust, even if you take terrific care of your system. In most cases, rust shows up on furnaces when they’re exposed to too much water. The most important thing to know is that if your rust develops at an average pace, your furnace will still give you several years of good use. However, if you notice any abnormal rust development, it would be wise to immediately track down the source of the issue.

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